member, Health Council of Canada, and a Director, Canadian Doctors for Medicare
Nuala Patricia Kenny, MD, FRCP (C) was born in New York and entered the Sisters of Charity of Halifax in 1962. She joined the Department of Pediatrics at Dalhousie in 1975 as the Coordinator of Regional Pediatric Services. In 1982, she became Director of Medical Education at the Hospital for Sick Children and the University of Toronto. In 1985 she was appointed Professor and Chairperson of the Department of Pediatrics at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario. Dr. Kenny returned to Dalhousie as Professor and Head of the Department of Pediatrics and Chief of Pediatrics at the Izaak Walton Killam Hospital in 1988. In 1995, she became the founding Chair of the Department of Bioethics in Dalhousie’s Faculty of Medicine. From February to November 1999, Dr. Kenny was seconded as Deputy Minister of Health for the Province of Nova Scotia. Dr. Kenny was Chair of the Values Committee of the Prime Minister’s 1997 National Forum on Health and is Past-President of both the Canadian Pediatric Society and the Canadian Bioethics Society. Her first book, What Good is Health Care? Reflections on the Canadian Experience, was published by CHA Press in 2002. Her second edited text, Lost Virtue: Professional Character Development in Medical Education, was published by Elsevier Press in October, 2006.