Interim Director of Public Health, Direction de santé publique de la Montérégie
A family doctor by training, Dr. Rodrigue began his career at the CLSC des Etchemins. He later practiced in Montreal at the CLSC des Faubourgs and at the family medicine unit at Hôpital Notre-Dame. He has always combined his clinical duties with teaching medical students and residents in family medicine.
Dr. Rodrigue holds a Masters’ in community health and has collaborated on a number of research teams in the areas of health service organization, interdisciplinary collaboration and the patient as partner in care. He has held a number of administrative positions over his career, notably as Head of the Department of Family Medicine at Hôpital Notre-Dame, Associate Director General (planning and regionalisation) of the Fédération des médecins omnipraticiens du Québec, Director of Medical and University Affairs at the Montérégie Health and Social Services Agency (ASSS) and Assistant Deputy Minister (Health Services and Academic Medicine) with the Ministry of Health and Social Services.