Medical Director, Office of Post-Hospital Care and Community Support, McGill University Health Centre
Dr. Anita Brown-Johnson is Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University, Medical Director and Service Chief of the MUHC Hospitalist Services, and Director, Secondary Care Division, Department of Family Medicine at the MUHC.
She plays a leadership role in the development and implementation of Family Medicine Training Program at the McGill University Health Center, including coordination of in-hospital rotations for family medicine residents from two new training sites, including the GMF-Queen Elizabeth (since July 2013) and CLSC Park-Extension (effective July 2014). She is a member of the MUHC Grand projet d’optimisation (GPO) Workgroup on Ambulatory Care and of the MUHC Steering Committee on Patient Flow. She has been instrumental in the development and evolution of clinical services in Transitional and Long-Term Care at the MUHC. In collaboration with clinical teams, Department of Social Services, MUHC senior administration and l’Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de Montreal, she supports strategies to enhance discharge planning and solving of care gaps to facilitate community-based care for patients with continuing complex care needs.
Find out about the MUHC’s Hospitalist Unit.