Senior Research Scientist, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford
Angela Coulter, PhD, is a UK-based health policy analyst and researcher who specialises in patient and public involvement in health care. She is Director of Global Initiatives at the Informed Medical Decisions Foundation, Boston, and Adjunct Professor in the University of Southern Denmark. A social scientist by training, she has a doctorate in health services research from the University of London. From 2000 to 2008 Dr. Coulter was Chief Executive of Picker Institute Europe. Previous roles included Director of Policy and Development at the King’s Fund, and Director of the Health Services Research Unit at the University of Oxford. She is a Senior Visiting Fellow at the King’s Fund in London, holds Honorary Fellowships at the UK Faculty of Public Health and the Royal College of General Practitioners and is a Trustee of National Voices, a coalition of 150 patient-focused charities.