President and CEO, Kingston General Hospital
Leslee Thompson is passionate about including patients and families in the design and delivery of health care around the world. Her unique background includes a combination of clinical, academic, board and executive leadership roles in top tier academic centres, retail and medical technology companies, research institutes and a government agency.
Ms. Thompson was appointed President and CEO of Kingston General Hospital (KGH) in February 2009 and has led the transformation of KGH from a hospital under government supervision to a high performing, award winning, and patient focused organization. Prior to KGH, she was a senior executive with Medtronic Canada, Capital Health Authority in Alberta, the University Health Network, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and Cancer Care Ontario. Ms. Thompson is the Chair of the Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement, a member of the Ontario Health Innovation Council and a popular keynote speaker in Canada, US and Europe. She is also an Assistant Professor at Queen’s University.